Fallen beings: demons
Fall and fallen beings - Demons
Everything created is perfect and harmonious at its beginning (divine, Christian, angelic). It enters the state of disharmony only secondarily, by the process of fall, whether through one's own fault or another's. The fall occurs as a result of the accumulation of a large number of errors in the evolution of a being, its racial lines, or parts of the universes it inhabits. Fallen beings and their collectives are usually called Demons or Devils or Fallen Angels or alien Predatory Races because they do evil. In our universes, there are numerous and very powerful fallen genetic lines, collectives, races, and civilizations that fight and compete with each other for the prey: their own territories and the living parts of the crystalline universes. Often, their various factions form purposeful associations, as do the criminal organizations they are.
Two ways of falling
There are two ways to get on the path of falling: spontaneously and forcibly.
1. Self-fall is a sovereign process in which a being permanently and long-term and fully consciously makes decisions and acts badly, thereby causing himself to disconnect from the Source and his own fall. It is your own fault (who does not have advice, it does not help).
2. Forced fall (forced-fall) is the process by which a part of Creation and its inhabitants fall into the fall due to the aggressive attack of foreign external forces. It is a foreign fault that they did not defend themselves (they fought little, badly, against superiority, or they did not fight at all, or they were not allowed to defend themselves at all).
Why do beings fall spontaneously?
Beings fall spontaneously as a result of the abuse of the gift of free will and ability to create. Why does a perfect divine being, as originally created by God, abuse something? Well, because she doesn't like something about Creation, or because she doesn't understand it correctly, and because she will make a mistake. It is unbelievable that huge, highly developed beings, their collectives and the whole Field of Christ Consciousness are falling. One way or another, the personal will comes into conflict with the Will of God. Who will win?
Typical paths of spontaneous fall
1. One typical path to fall leads through the effort of Creation to improve, that is, to remake and change the Law of Oneness (folk wisdom: the path to hell is paved with good intentions). Many highly developed civilizations, which already had the ability to create their own universes (like ours) and their life forms (like ours), fell because they could not bear the great measure of evil that God allows. They couldn't bear the pain of what they saw around them. E.g. how their beautiful beloved divine children (the cosmic races created by them) fall as a result of their own wickedness. They therefore tried to limit the degree of free will and deprive them of the opportunity to do evil so that they would not hurt themselves by accident. Or they tried to limit the impact of karma for bad behavior. They interfered with the original Creation program, called CHRIST-Code, and began reprogramming it. The result has always been their terrible fall and the extinction of vast, originally Christian, cosmic cultures (the case of the Bourgh Matrix).
2. The second typical path to fall leads through actions that are contrary to the Law of Oneness, whether by its misunderstanding or its deliberate transgression. Highly developed races, for example, did not agree on how to solve problems in their universes. They ignored the recommendations from their higher vibrational levels and did it their way. They began to solve problems by mutual dispute and not by agreement, which is a state of disharmony. If they stayed long enough,
the support of the Source weakened and they began to fall vibrating. Their contradictions deepened, because they lost distance from them and insight and the will to find an amicable solution. The result was the resolution of conflicts through combat, militarily, that is, various Star Wars, waged by weapon systems that today's people do not even dream of. Whoever can create the universe can also destroy it. He will use his creative power in the reverse way, and instead of construction, destruction will occur.
3. The third typical path to the fall leads through an action that is in accordance with the Law of Oneness, but has been misunderstood. It has many variants. One type of such misunderstanding, that is, misinterpretation of the Law, is the so-called 'Samaritan complex', which is a serious illness that forces the injured being to help or save someone. The problem is that someone arbitrarily decides to interfere in someone else's development: I know best what is good for you. There is superiority (arrogance and pride) as well as violence (influencing others without their asking and permission). Of course, this cannot be done without punishment.
4. The fourth typical path to the fall leads through an erroneous estimate of the situation, ie a kind of evolutionary error. One common case is a paramedic failure. Many advanced cosmic races have found themselves trying to help less advanced, falling, or even fallen races, whose intention was to conquer, seize, rape, and enslave everything around them, erasing from existence everything of positive value. They misjudged their forces and were pulled into their low vibrations and degenerated or fell and fell with them (the case of Metatron). It's like a lifeguard throwing himself into a strong current, trying to save it necessary. But he doesn't need any rescue, for example, because he went to drown quite deliberately, he didn't call for help at all, and he needs this experience for his development. In this way, the vast Christ cultures and civilizations, which had previously developed in the right direction for a long time in great pain, were destroyed. In many cases, the fallen races took control of the territories of their rescuers, destroyed them, and established terror and ruin there. Like when a drowning person drowns his rescuer and still feels good about it. The mistake was that these exuberant space rescuers violated several sections of the Laws of the Cosmos at once. It is a manifestation of pride, disrespect, and contempt for the Law, which goes hand in hand (ignorance of sin does not, but ignorance of the law does not excuse). Of course, this cannot be done without punishment.
Fall Example 1: Wesedak Matrix and Metatron Collective
The history of Wesedak is sad, but very instructive. In the beginning, the universe was pure Wesa. He was in a different Ekash than our universes and had a long and respected Christ tradition. When the devastating Lyran-Elohim Wars of 250 BYA took place in our Ekashus, our originally Christ universe, our black hole called the Phantom Matrix formed into which some of our cosmic races fell. In an effort to help them, the Beings of neighboring Wesedak offered them the possibility of regeneration through their own genetics (bio-regency hosting). They proposed one specific treatment method for scalar gable mechanics, which, however, the superior teams of consciousness of the Master Ras Yanas from the Energy Matrix strongly did not recommend and strongly warned against its use in this case. However, they exercised the right to free choice. Despite Yanas' warnings, they used this strongly contact method to see what would happen. And they saw. As a result, instead of healing fallen races, they irreversibly reversed themselves and their system fell to create a black Wesedak hole, 150 BYA. For this, however, the rescue Wesa races refused to take responsibility and accused our universe of falling because of our fallen races.
Our Rishis from HU-5 (Braharama, Serafei, Elohim - https://www.uir-666.cz/vesmir) felt a certain amount of guilt for the situation. Due to the disorder in their own universe, their neighbors had to offer them help and paid for it themselves. Therefore, in an effort to help and relieve the fallen Wesedak, they took back some of our fallen races, which were there for healing and at the same time caused the fall there. So they moved them to our black hole in the Phantom, where they originally came from. However, this did not do any good, because these races gained such a huge degree of reversal during their healing stay that they became a fear for our entire black hole, which they began to terrorize. The Rangers tried to steer the fallen races living there back on the evolutionary path of Christ, which they did in part. The result was the need to quarantine this welcome sub-culture within the Phantom Matrix. The following help was chosen for the further evolution of the fallen races. Between our Living Matrix (Christ coding) and our Phantom Matrix (anti-Christ coding), a 150 BYA energy barrier was created in the frequency band Dimension D-11.5 of Stargate No. 12 (constellation Lyra, planet Aramatena). This diaphragm functioned as a polarizing-refractive energy Cosmic Lens. On the one hand, the Lens diverted some of the life currents from the D-15 light field destined for our universe and sent their energy to a quarantine area in a black hole so that the severe reversals of the local races could be corrected by introducing Christian coding into their shields. On the other hand, the lens functioned as a protected ascent path leading through the so-called Hosting Matrix (half-way universe), for the possible return of races from the black hole after their healing. All this important, very complex and sophisticated rescue project and its operation was entrusted to the care of the Metatron Team.
Metatron was the Elohim collective of consciousness from the Jehovah's Line. It was from this family line that came the fallen races enclosed in quarantine (black sheep of the Elohim family). This energy barrier, the Lens, was named the Metatron's Eye after its administrator. After the installation of the Lens and its commissioning, the rebel races from neighboring Wesedak broke through the USG-12 Stargate to our Phantom, in order to control the Lens, through which they could conquer the living parts of our universe. Their invasion was stopped, their stargate model destroyed, and their universe fell into a black hole. Thus was born the fallen Wesedak, 150 BYA. The Metatron collective failed in numerous efforts to re-evolve its fallen relatives, the reversed quarantined races. At the same time, he lost a large part of the field of his consciousness, which passed into the Phantom Matrix. Eventually, the entire weakened Metatron collective fell vibrating until it also fell into the Phantom. Metatron then misused Lens technology and broke the quarantine wall. In doing so, he launched extremely reversed races into the real estate fields of the Phantom Matrix. This caused severe disgression in the form of progressive hybridizations, the spread of mutations and the escalation of war conflicts between the local races. The phantom matrix turned into hell. During the Gaian-Orion Wars in the 570 MYA Phantom Matrix, Metatron allied with the fallen races of neighboring Wesedak and allowed them to use his Lens to create a wormhole connecting their Wesedak to our Phantom. This worm tunnel is called the Path of Arimathaea. Together, the Wesedak-Metatron predator alliance used the powerful Lens technology to create a heavy-caliber BEAST Machine that can be used to spread the anti-Christ Metatronic Code to surrounding universes for energetic vampirism. BEAST is the current very advanced scalar shield technology based on a violent and irreversible bond between the Crystal and anti-Christ shields (models). This causes progressive irreversibility mutation of the originals to the point of the Monadic reversal, when it falls into a black hole as an energy feed. In this way, the shields of our Living Universe, our fallen universe - the Phantom, and the neighboring fallen Wesedak were forcibly connected. The pilot anti-Christ frequency of BEAST is a strong and penetrating D-13-Reverse energy current called Blue Flame. It is sold to people as the Flaming Blue Sword of Death of Arch-Demon Michael. The code symbol of this technology is a common cross, ie a sword pointed downwards. It serves as a natural antenna, amplifier and transmitter of BEST frequencies. It is used to damage the models of believers, especially in the Christian religion. Therefore, it is also a key element in churches, which function as anchoring places and energy amplifying lenses of these ungodly energies (unholy frequencies).
Advanced Shadow Technology is used as an interface for connecting BEAST to target objects. They are metatronic gable implants embedded in Christ masters, through which BEAST is then connected to them. Thus was created the Shadow Body of our universes (PCM Veca system), its galaxies, planets and their inhabitants, and all life fields, including us, humans. At the same time, special predatory races D-11.5 Dark Avatars were created in Wesedak, who serve as so-called Shadow Dancers. They are highly intelligent specialized and well-trained predatory consciousness that anchors themselves in the Shadow Bodies of humans and through them vacuum energy and manipulate their living victims. There is a detailed description of how the process of reversal of shields, reversal of consciousness of personal identity, gradually takes place, until the full filling of the biological form by the demonic entity of the Dancer. What happens to the Fire Letter sequences (activation codes) in the DNA template and how it manifests itself at the coarser levels in the biofield, chakras, and auric layers by changing color and shape. There appears crimson red - dark red color, crimson, ruby - the sign of Anti-Christ. The natural elliptical aura changes to spherical. The true energetic form of the Shadow Dancer is visible through a highly developed HSP: a metallic golden Scarab in the upper back, ingrown in the chest. Fully occupied persons are called Magentas.
All this can also be brought about by working with the false Arch-Angels and similar demonic entities through which these Predatory Collectives manifest and present themselves to humans. The so-called AA Michael carries a D-13-R Blue Sword. Together with Kryon and Jesus and other Hierarchies of Angels, he belongs to the group of Necromitons of Andromeda, a hybrid race of fallen Anna-Serafim of Andromeda, the founders of UIR, collaborating with the Jehovan Anunnaki of the fallen YHWH Matrix. Using Shadow Technologies, astral tagging and implants, and holographic inserts, they can easily connect a captivated human victim to their energy system and reverse transmission networks. It becomes their conductor and transmits these frequencies to its surroundings, damaging the energy of the planet and everything it encounters.
The misguided person then truly and realistically experiences all the programs that are broadcast to his biofield. The perceptual system translates this into completely tangible feelings and mental forms. This creates human cheneling media that act as repositories of manipulated messages and information, in addition to strongly reverse coded ones, which spread the damaged frequencies to their surroundings and listeners. Ordinary mass media work in the same way: their source, method of handling and energy effects are the same. Those who avoid the pernicious influence of the media but attend individualized esoteric seminars sometimes get more hurt.
Fall Example 2: The Bourgha Matrix and His Race
The story of Metatron is a consequence of earlier events (480 BYA), which followed the fall of the races of Bourgh (also: Borja), which is the first and fundamental problem in our universes. It started innocently. In our parallel Ekaš, in her Ecka-Veca system Boranthasala Matrix (also Borantesi, Boran) lived high and pure Crystal Eckatic races of the same name (Ecka Core Founder Races). In their anti-particle PKA Veca Quadrant, local races in the lower HU1-3 Densities began to test how far they could go about abusing free will. At the same time, they went so far as to cause a natural (spontaneous, untrusted by others) fall, and these 3 Densities went through black holes through implosion into the fragmentation of consciousness (Space Dust Return). These particles of torn energy hang in the regions of destroyed universes until the end of the expansion cycles of God's Exhalation (until the end of the last Yug out of 4) to return to the Source as an energy raw material during the return cycles of God's breath (through 3 Adashi returns). When the founding (parenting) Ecka races saw it, they could not understand it, because it had never happened in their universes, which were created within their Eka-Age. They fell into despair and sorrow, because they loved all the destroyed universes and their inhabitants like their children, because they created them themselves. They programmed their templates using the CHRIST-Code they controlled.
They decided to find the cause of the fall and eliminate it in order to reduce the rate pain in Creation. They analyzed in detail the history of developments in the fallen Densities and the errors that occurred. They got a clear result. The primary reason for destruction and fall is COMPETITION and COMPETITION. Its source is unnatural extreme POLARITIES. In the next step, they decided to find out what causes these unfortunate phenomena at the level of templates. Accordingly, they wanted to intervene in the KRIST-Code in such a way as to eliminate the possibility of falling from it. The fall is the result of a compensatory mechanism that restricts the free will of evil-acting beings so as not to destroy the entire Creation. Basically, they wanted to erase the Law of Karma because it had a painful effect on their wicked children, which they perceived as unfair. Arbitrarily remaking KRIST-Code is not the best idea, and so far everyone has figured it out. The Boranthasala Races proposed an interesting experiment called the Great 6-6-6-6 Quarantine Polarity Experiment, to investigate the formation of strong polarization. They created 3 groups of volunteers from their Ecka level (large and strong collectives of consciousness). The first group of S0 was the control and had the original Christian coding based on the TriVeca Code. It includes the possibility of natural polarization of the being's neutral ManU field into two aspects or polarities: more passive EirA (magnetic, contractive, female -) and more active ManA (electric, expansive, male +), as well as their control and balance. The other two groups S- and S + had reduced templates based only on the Bi-Veca Code (vesica piscis), which lacks a superior neutralizing and balancing element of the ManU field, which can result in strong auto-catalytic polarization without feedback. In order for the experiment to start nicely from the very beginning and they do not have to wait long for the results, they set the starting polarization already in the initial condition. The templates for the S- team pre-polarized to the role of the submissive EirA victim and the templates for the S + team to the role of the aggressive and dominant ManA predator. Thus a scalar master program called the Victim-Victimizer Game (V-V Game) was created: the Victim-Predator scheme (aggressor, attacker). If it is implanted into the energetic anatomy of a being, race or species, it subconsciously completely out of control controls all its behavior in every life situation according to the Victim-Predator scheme, so the instinctive reaction is either Escape or Attack. This polarization software was then frequently used by Predators (this reverse implant also damages all life fields on planet Earth, including humans). .
The Christian being reacts differently: he remains in a state of absolute inner immobility and full connection to the Source through the Higher Self, 'holding energy' and observing the situation. It evaluates the state of affairs and obtains information from the Higher Self on how it is recommended to behave, in accordance with the Law of Oneness (feeling, intuition, vision, urge, etc.). It will decide whether or not to accept this recommendation and to react fully consciously and in a controlled manner accordingly. Everything happens very quickly, sometimes as if it preceded the situation itself. If there is not much time to think, the Higher Self will quickly do through us what is needed. The experiment was divided into 4 cycles C1-4 after 6 incarnation stages E1-6. In the first cycle C1, volunteers from the S-6 party incarnated as victims and their colleagues from the S + team as predators. Then they exchanged roles and performed another cycle C2, where they incarnated 6 more times, but through opposite patterns (who was the victim before, was then a predator). These two test groups S- and S + lived together in the high-density real estate fields HU3 and HU4. These experimental space fields were enclosed in a protective energy quarantine so that in the event of a failure, the experiment would not endanger the surrounding living field. The S0 control group remained as a rescue team at the Ecka level (HU-5). The Ecka Races theoretically knew that it was possible to lose contact with their high Ecka consciousness in direct incarnations from the Ecka level to material forms in the lower Densities and get stuck there, get lost there without the possibility of returning, but they had no direct personal experience with it. That's why they secured Eck with the S0 team. The experiment started at an unexpected speed and collapsed at the end of the third cycle C3, when the aggressors from the first cycle (team S + in cycle C1) returned to the role of predators for the second time (team S + in cycle C3). Thus, their stay as victims (team S- in cycle C2) did not teach them much and did not correct them. On the contrary, they grew in great resentment and desire for revenge when their time came again. The consequences were tragic. This group called BorjaMusala (short: Borja, Bourgha), which was one line of the Boranthasala races, mutated into such a terrible reversal and disorientation that they lost self-awareness and completely disconnected from their families at the Ecka level. They tried to make telepathic contacts with them to help them orient themselves, but these connections through genetic templates did not work, they ceased to exist. In a state of extreme aggression and full ignorance, they destroyed the second group playing the victim (team S- in cycle C3). As their goal, the Borja races set themselves to conquer, capture and destroy everything living in St. surroundings and in neighboring universes, erasing life from Creation. They were very advanced, originally from the Eck level, and still maintained HU-4 and HU-3 consciousness. They have created their own new space technology, Time Rip, which is the basis for very efficient procedures for drilling Worm Holes into energy barriers separating universes and real estate fields (protective and defensive repulsion zones). Using it, they broke through the fence of their quarantine and expanded like a virus of pure evil into the real estate fields of Hustot HU3 HU4, where they performed their work as Time Rip Rider Races. They also attacked and destroyed control group S0. They improved the Time Rip system until they conquered Ecka's own level and caused a black-hole crash of their entire Ecka-Veca system, which is now underway (this is the maximum possible destruction). Ecka is the last instance in the Hierarchy of Creation, which is allowed to fall, higher levels can no longer fall (from Ekaši onwards). In honor of the extermination of their own races, they proudly renamed themselves BorjaMusalaAlama. Because their system lies in Ekash, which is parallel to us, they are our neighbors. With the help of Time Rip, they also attacked the Christian Ecka in our Ekaš on her Adora side and through her also Ecka on our Etora side (ie our own Eku), partially stabbed her, connected her to the fallen and damaged her.
Everything went very fast: 480 BYA broke their quarantine in HU3-4 and 450 BYA were their entire Eka-Veka system in full swing. All this widespread misdevelopment in terms of the eternal view of the Ranger Races from the level of Eckash, who were watching him closely, took place in an incredibly short time: in just 30 billion years, someone was able to destroy their own powerful Christ Eka-Age and still attack their neighbors and begin expand into them. The energies of Ecka's levels are immensely powerful and whoever masters them has immense power. A large project, the Krystal River Tri-Matrix Cooperative, was established by 450 BYA to protect other universes from Bourgha race invasions. A consortium of Ranger Collectives was formed from 3 different Eckash matrices to bring together a force that could stop the Bourgh race. They are: Aquareion, Aquinos, Wesala. Aquareion Ekaša is the so-called Control Matrix, which cannot be destroyed and is still Christian. Aquinos Ekaša is our own, which is weakened by the fact that it contains its fallen Phantom Matrix.
Wesala is even weaker because he has fallen both Veca Quadrants: one is Wesedak (typically inhabited by Anunnaki)
and the other is the Wesedrak (Draconians) and also the YHWH fallen system. The Rangers combined 3 streams of powerful Heliotalic frequencies emanating from the Ekaša Kernels of their matrices into one gigantic stream called the Crystal River. This Christ Striker was recently anchored to planet Earth in response to the current efforts of the Bourgh races to conquer our universes and our planet, during SAC-2012.
Shortly after, these long-lurking super-Demons invaded the scene of our space drama again and became its greatest threat. They conquered some local fallen races and reunited with others. They used advanced mining technologies, such as Time Rip, Time Warp, Threshold, Glass Towers, Gravitron, etc. (many are stronger than BEAST). Some of them are anchored in the Earth's terrestrial planetary grids in a locality called Mecca, as a huge underground energy complex, whose small external antenna and transmitter is a black cube (transmission center) 1. Following the Bourgha raid, the Rangers declared the evacuation status of all life fields for planet Earth (2005), through the Bardo process (Bhardo Cycle, physical death, excarnation), as virtually the only option and opened bard passages from the falling Milky Way galaxy to the Aquinos matrix in the galaxy. Andromeda M31. Bourgha & spol. they activated their Micca-Mecca-EUmbic-Time-Rip complex and killed our Sun: they shot down its Core Gates and the Pranic Seed. The Sun has entered the irreversible Bardo Cycle (March 25, 2007) and will die for many years, initially reflected in the emission of strong energy waves - the Solar Bhardoah Rasha Ring Waves. There are a total of 15 of these waves and one will be released every year in May (2008-2022).
1 Possible energy phenomena there may have an ID origin (eg unverified report on plasma outflow on 12 and 24 September 2015). The solar Raša dissolves The body, which binds the Light and Atomic bodies together, is the first phase of the death process, when these bodies separate from each other, according to the laws of creation physics. The Sun's metabolism will accelerate and anomalies will occur. Rangers activate the Aqualen Sun's buffer field, an energy filter cartridge mounted on our dying Sun, to protect the Earth from its energy gusts (evaporation of surface life). When the Sun begins to gamble, all its planets will perish at the same time, because they are energetically connected to it and vitally dependent on it through the process of Solar Symbiosis. To prevent the Earth from dying with the Sun, the Rangers activate its 'pranic respirator' in the form of An-ShaTAsa Passage, Peru, a system of stargates for the 3rd Earth Settlement, which also serves as a conduit for the energies of the Crystal River (KR). .
Asset predators they use their old reverse matrix Caduceus (a sign of doctors), which can strangle even heavily protected passages. It is a snake-shaped energy construct wrapping the passage tube to crush it. This strangler controlled and reversed Anshatasa, so that the metatronic frequencies of BEAST flowed here on Earth instead of KR. On August 8, 2011, with the help of the Fatal Plasma Demons (FAtalE), the Predators attacked directly on Solomon's Shield on the Adora side, where the source of the KR was, and conquered and reversed its two outer rings. The entire KŘ rescue project, built 450 billion years ago, was at the point of collapse. The Christian Councils of the Christ have decided to launch the last possibility of salvation: a gigantic cosmic mechanism called Fail-Safe, because there is no other solution. So in this way the Bourgha races 'enriched' our cosmic evolution. They had previously activated their earthly well-organized teams and the religion they controlled by the ideology of death, in preparation for the final blow to Humanity: global Jihad. This religion will now 'enrich' our planetary life in a similar way.
What heals the Demons
In his great but ultimate grace and love, God also offers much-damaged, sick, and fallen demonic beings and races and civilizations who have done and continue to do the most monstrous atrocities the opportunity for healing and regeneration. These are cosmic Bio-Regency Programs where it is possible to return, even after all that has happened, to the path of Christ. That is, to return to the state of vibrational resonance with the Source, to the state of Love. If the Demons choose this path themselves, based on their free choice, they have enormous support for the cosmic forces, sometimes unjustly great, given all the evil they have done. That's how it may seem to us. But God sees it differently. Everyone who is on the path of falling and turns back to love, according to him, deserves this support. It is as if a badly damaged person wants to return to moral principles. He receives far greater support from God than the others because he needs it most. The others already have it, because they are already following the path of Christ. So let's not envy, God's love is enough for everyone who wants to open up to it and accept it. Love is a special thing not covered by material laws. The principle here is: the more I give, the more I have. That is the law of the universe. I don't really give anything because I have nothing. I only serve as a guide for myself and others. The more I serve in this way, the stronger the conductor I am and the more love flows through me, for me and for others. If the injured being makes this turn, he will suddenly find himself on the saving path of morality. And it's up to her to stay there.
Who can heal Demons
This great support of the Source, of course, has its rules. The more laws the Demon broke and the more evil he did, the more he would have to learn again and atone for evil to get back on the path of ascension. The way back is a difficult way and not everyone can do it. Working with demons is very difficult and dangerous. It requires hard and special training and adherence to strict rules. It requires a perfect understanding of the Law of Oneness (the principle of good) and also all ways of breaking it (the principle of evil). Whoever wants to do this must have perfect control over the doctrine of evil. He must know and understand all its forms and manifestations in order to be able to defend himself against them and to help evil sick beings effectively. Evil cannot be cured by one who does not understand it. It is as if a completely illiterate person taught Czech at school, formulated graduation papers and corrected them, as is happening on the falling planets.
How Demons Heal
For this purpose, God created special well-trained and combat-controlling cosmic races that can work with the Demons, so they are at least expected of them. They are called the Guardians of the Law of Unity. The rules for correcting Demons are logical and in accordance with common sense. Here are some basic rules for helping the Demons:
No one has a duty to help someone else or to rescue someone else. It is only his good will and free choice to do so, and the risk he takes, for which he bears full responsibility towards himself and all those affected.
Before a rescuer decides to do so, he must be aware of all the possible risks that this entails for him and his surroundings, and must obtain the consent of all concerned to do so.
If it so decides, it must set out the precise conditions and sanctions under which it is willing to provide its assistance to the other party. The other party (the Demons) must give its clear consent to such assistance: that it asks for it and that it is willing to accept it, including all the conditions imposed. These conditions must then be fully accepted in the form of a valid contractual obligation, with all sanctions.
Demons are healed in their natural environment, which they have damaged, destroyed and devastated by their malignant activity and their perverted evolution. This space is placed in an impenetrable energy quarantine, in which the treatment takes place, so that the evil infection does not spread further. Demons never venture into the life fields of their saviors. The healing is that the Demons must tidy themselves up. They must restore themselves and their developmental time-space to their original positive statethey use their old reverse matrix Caduceus (a sign of doctors), which can strangle even heavily protected passages. It is a snake-shaped energy construct wrapping the passage tube to crush it. This strangler controlled and reversed Anshatasa, so that the metatronic frequencies of BEAST flowed here on Earth instead of KR. On August 8, 2011, with the help of the Fatal Plasma Demons (FAtalE), the Predators attacked directly on Solomon's Shield on the Adora side, where the source of the KR was, and conquered and reversed its two outer rings. The entire KŘ rescue project, built 450 billion years ago, was at the point of collapse. The Christian Councils of the Christ have decided to launch the last possibility of salvation: a gigantic cosmic mechanism called Fail-Safe, because there is no other solution. So in this way the Bourgha races 'enriched' our cosmic evolution. They had previously activated their earthly well-organized teams and the religion they controlled by the ideology of death, in preparation for the final blow to Humanity: global Jihad. This religion will now 'enrich' our planetary life in a similar way.
What heals the Demons
In his great but ultimate grace and love, God also offers much-damaged, sick, and fallen demonic beings and races and civilizations who have done and continue to do the most monstrous atrocities the opportunity for healing and regeneration. These are cosmic Bio-Regency Programs where it is possible to return, even after all that has happened, to the path of Christ. That is, to return to the state of vibrational resonance with the Source, to the state of Love. If the Demons choose this path themselves, based on their free choice, they have enormous support for the cosmic forces, sometimes unjustly great, given all the evil they have done. That's how it may seem to us. But God sees it differently. Everyone who is on the path of falling and turns back to love, according to him, deserves this support. It is as if a badly damaged person wants to return to moral principles. He receives far greater support from God than the others because he needs it most. The others already have it, because they are already following the path of Christ. So let's not envy, God's love is enough for everyone who wants to open up to it and accept it. Love is a special thing not covered by material laws. The principle here is: the more I give, the more I have. That is the law of the universe. I don't really give anything because I have nothing. I only serve as a guide for myself and others. The more I serve in this way, the stronger the conductor I am and the more love flows through me, for me and for others. If the injured being makes this turn, he will suddenly find himself on the saving path of morality. And it's up to her to stay there.
Who can heal Demons
This great support of the Source, of course, has its rules. The more laws the Demon broke and the more evil he did, the more he would have to learn again and atone for evil to get back on the path of ascension. The way back is a difficult way and not everyone can do it. Working with demons is very difficult and dangerous. It requires hard and special training and adherence to strict rules. It requires a perfect understanding of the Law of Oneness (the principle of good) and also all ways of breaking it (the principle of evil). Whoever wants to do this must have perfect control over the doctrine of evil. He must know and understand all its forms and manifestations in order to be able to defend himself against them and to help evil sick beings effectively. Evil cannot be cured by one who does not understand it. It is as if a completely illiterate person taught Czech at school, formulated graduation papers and corrected them, as is happening on the falling planets.
How Demons Heal
For this purpose, God created special well-trained and combat-controlling cosmic races that can work with the Demons, so they are at least expected of them. They are called the Guardians of the Law of Unity. The rules for correcting Demons are logical and in accordance with common sense. Here are some basic rules for helping the Demons:
No one has a duty to help someone else or to rescue someone else. It is only his good will and free choice to do so, and the risk he takes, for which he bears full responsibility towards himself and all those affected.
Before a rescuer decides to do so, he must be aware of all the possible risks that this entails for him and his surroundings, and must obtain the consent of all concerned to do so.
If it so decides, it must set out the precise conditions and sanctions under which it is willing to provide its assistance to the other party. The other party (the Demons) must give its clear consent to such assistance: that it asks for it and that it is willing to accept it, including all the conditions imposed. These conditions must then be fully accepted in the form of a valid contractual obligation, with all sanctions. Demons are healed in their natural environment, which they have damaged, destroyed and devastated by their malignant activity and their perverted evolution. This space is placed in an impenetrable energy quarantine, in which the treatment takes place, so that the evil infection does not spread further. Demons never venture into the life fields of their saviors. The healing is that the Demons must tidy themselves up. They must restore themselves and their developmental time-space to their original positive state
Demons on Earth
Some of their incarnations on Earth are well known in our history, others are yet to be revealed. These are, for example, the following categories: tyrants, dictators, conquerors, missionaries1, colonizers, globalizers, slavers, masterminds of the planet, corporate owners, world empire builders, queens, kings, popes and other crooked puppets, presidential figures bowing to national governments, corrupt spiritual governments , NWO holders and others. Various predatory factions compete together to control the Earth and Humanity.
The basic tool of the Predators on Earth is their worldwide SVS (also: 'System') and its terrestrial Illuminati Word Management Team, a total of about 100,000 individuals covertly controlling all planetary events, in all its aspects, in all its levels. They are earthly 'humans', often incarnations of predators. They must have the genetic coding of the human species in order to be embodied in it. They are predatory consciousness in human bodies and behave accordingly (perversions, Satanism, etc.). These human monsters are in direct contact with their extraterrestrial sponsors. These predatory Non-Humans stand far and high behind everything commonly seen in world events. They stand out from this common scene, which is just the tip of the iceberg. They have advanced alien technologies at their disposal. They have built large complexes under the earth's surface. There is a military arsenal. There are real scientific research centers and real scientific problems are being solved there. E.g. psychotronic and scalar technologies, zero point energy, antigravity systems, bio-robots - 1 The use of missionaries for ideological diversion is ancient. Just remember, well-trained in black magic, the elite Jesuit commando, the forerunner of today's KGB and CIA. Two examples from the present. An article by a Czech magician, J. Veselý: 'The Hammer on Missionaries: Ten Rules for a Successful Struggle Against the Violent Evangelization of Natural Nations' is a guide on how native nations should resist the aggression of Christian missionaries. The mission commando hired by oil companies to exterminate the Amazon Indians is mentioned in J. Perkins: The Secret History of the American Empire, 2007, p. 116. manipulation, chip technologies to control the mind and emotions, tools for the production of natural disasters, tracking systems where distance and walls do not play a role, tools for destroying auras, chakras and biofields of both personal and planetary, physical and astral death squads, etc. Their enslaving system can also called the Demonic Matrix - the semi-virtual reality of our planetary hologram.
They are behind all world governments, power and other important organizations (military, political, economic, medical, religious, spiritual, non-governmental, charitable, intellectual, elite, clubs, etc.), corporations, supranational and international institutions (UN and its IFF, WB, WHO, etc.), scientific centers, secret societies, Masonic lodges, Hermetic orders1, esoteric movements (especially the New Age). They are scattered around the world, belonging to all races and cultures. They have their base, where else but in the USA.
Regardless of the mutual relations of the states in which they operate (eg states are at war with each other), they always cooperate on a common goal: the domination of the Earth and the enslavement of Humanity. The axis of Evil is obvious: Washington-London-Brussels-Moscow-Beijing and other smaller players (Saudi Arabia - sponsor of the presidential campaign of Obama and Clinton, the Islamic world, etc.). One of their goals is to introduce the NWO - but he's already here, now they're just tightening the screws. Our planet has a strategic position in terms of energy and is the gateway to other parts of our universe, where it can expand and conquer. Having a base on Earth is a long-term dream of many Predatory Races. The earth was created as a Ranger Planet and was inhabited by Ranger Humanity. Hence its various privileges. That is why it has been under constant attack since its inception. A unique feature of the Earth is also that it can still anchor the energies of the Fail Safe process, especially the plasma frequencies of the Christ River, into its Temple Complex. She can do this despite the great amount of damage and reversals that the Predators inflicted on her when they pushed her to the edge of the fall. No other cosmic being has this property far and wide in much of our galaxy.